Ensure Your Next Event is Sustainable With Touchcast’s Green Conference Initiative

Looking to minimize your next event’s carbon footprint? Touchcast has launched an initiative that focuses on sustainable practices and tech tools to offset carbon emissions.
January 10, 2022
2 mins
Sustainability and Virtual Events
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The science shows that human activity is the biggest driver of climate change. And while events are a major force for good in fostering human connection, the vehicle emissions, chemicals, litter and more that come from producing an event can leave a significant carbon footprint.

Today, we’re much more aware of our impact on the planet. In fact, according to Capgemini Research Institute, nearly 80% of consumers want to be able to make a difference in saving the planet for future generations. The team at Touchcast does too. Ushering in a new era, we’re setting the standard with the launch of the Green Conference Initiative.

What does the initiative offer?

1. A tool for organizers to calculate their carbon emissions
2. A platform that helps event organizers match emissions to a carbon-offset project
3. Verifiable reporting so organizers can transparently disclose the positive impact of their event

Developed in collaboration with Offsetters, one of the world’s leading providers of sustainability and carbon-management solutions, Touchcast’s Emissions Calculator helps event organizers estimate the carbon emissions of any type of event. They can then take measures to offset their emissions and reverse their negative impact on the climate—so that every physical, hybrid and virtual event on the planet is climate positive.

But what does climate positive mean?

When investing to become climate positive, you go one step further and fund projects that offset more carbon than you emitted into the environment (specifically, at least 10% more), leaving a positive impact on the planet.

How will we offset our carbon emissions? We will be purchasing carbon offset credits through Offsetters, which are measurable, verifiable and permanent greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions that are used to counterbalance, or offset, a GHG emission. Our offsets will support the various projects in this portfolio.

Why can’t we just plant trees?

Trees are great for the planet, but they grow slowly. It could take one tree up to 40 years to absorb 1 ton of CO2. On average, human activity is estimated to put out as much as 40 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. That means we would have to plant 40 billion trees now and wait at least 40 years to offset the emissions we put out today.

How can I reduce our next event’s carbon footprint?

In addition to offering our customers a turnkey solution for running immersive, climate-positive events, we’re also making the calculator freely available on our website so that event organizers can take action to make a more positive impact on the environment.

Sustainable practices are a key component to reaching your consumer base on a more emotional level as the world and the event industry increasingly choose to leave a lighter footprint. According to GreenBiz Research, more than 80% of companies surveyed with revenues greater than $250 million have set greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals. However, 25% have set goals at such a level that they are unsure how they’ll meet them—showing a need for emerging technologies to close the gap.

As the world’s leader in immersive virtual event experiences, Touchcast’s mission with this initiative is to help fill that gap. We invite you to join us.

If you're interested in a free and easy way to determine your company's event emissions, please check out the Touchcast Emissions Calculator.

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